Monday, December 20, 2010

Dare to Prepare: Collapse of Civilization Now Guaranteed

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dare to Prepare: Collapse of Civilization Now Guaranteed

Dare to Prepare: Collapse of Civilization Now Guaranteed

Eric Blair

"It has been written" as the saying goes. For many generations there have been small groups of people who have researched and protested the criminal nature of our rulers who cast their disease on civilization. These activists screamed truth to the masses about humanity's hidden slavery, yet few listened.

However, the injustices have now become too extreme, too obvious, that the truth has risen to near critical mass with the independent-minded population. And indeed many more sheep, who unknowingly fund their own prison, are waking up by the minute.

But can this mass awakening prevent our civilization from collapsing during this detonation period? Sorry folks, the answer is no. Because even if "The Resistance" is successful in swiftly overtaking the controls of government and overturns the Federal Reserve, the dominoes set in motion by the corporate rulers are still likely to fall as they still control the food, the oil, and the heavy weapons. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve will fight it out to the death, and they have the power to simply shut everything down with a flick of the switch.

The excellent story last week by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of Treasury under Reagan, called "The Year America Dissolved" dramatically describes the breakdown of civilization playing out in America:
It was 2017. Clans were governing America.
The first clans organized around local police forces. The conservatives’ war on crime during the late 20th century and the Bush/Obama war on terror during the first decade of the 21st century had resulted in the police becoming militarized and unaccountable.

As society broke down, the police became warlords. The state police broke apart, and the officers were subsumed into the local forces of their communities. The newly formed tribes expanded to encompass the relatives and friends of the police.
With the dollar’s demise, import prices skyrocketed. As Americans were unable to afford foreign-made goods, the transnational corporations that were producing offshore for US markets were bankrupted, further eroding the government’s revenue base.
The government was forced to print money in order to pay its bills, causing domestic prices to rise rapidly. Faced with hyperinflation, Washington took recourse in terminating Social Security and Medicare and followed up by confiscating the remnants of private pensions. This provided a one-year respite, but with no more resources to confiscate, money creation and hyperinflation resumed.
Organized food deliveries broke down when the government fought hyperinflation with fixed prices and the mandate that all purchases and sales had to be in US paper currency. Unwilling to trade appreciating goods for depreciating paper, goods disappeared from stores.
In an interview about the article, Roberts said he tried for years to reach people with facts and figures and hoped some fictional reality would work better. When asked if anything could be done to stop it, he responded "not at this rate." In addition to Roberts' piece comes the elite Rockefeller Foundation's analysis of the future of America. They are strikingly similar in their tone and outcomes:
The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the 'doom decade' for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in a-millennium drought linked to climate change...
Not surprisingly, this opening series of deadly asynchronous catastrophes (there were more) put enormous pressure on an already overstressed global economy that had entered the decade still in recession...prompting the Economist headline: 'Is the Planet Finally Bankrupt?'
These dire circumstances forced tough tradeoffs. In 2015, the U.S. reallocated a large share of its defense spending to domestic concerns, pulling out of Afghanistan... Resource scarcities and trade disputes, together with severe economic and climate stresses, pushed many alliances and partnerships to the breaking point; they also sparked proxy wars and low-level conflict in resource-rich parts of the developing world. Nations raised trade barriers in order to protect their domestic sectors against imports and — in the face of global food and resource shortages — to reduce exports of agricultural produce and other commodities.
With government power weakened, order rapidly disintegrating, and safety nets evaporating, violence and crime grew more rampant. Countries with ethnic, religious, or class divisions saw especially sharp spikes in hostility.
So, the future "has been written" by the masters of the universe, reported on by Dr. Roberts, and has now entered the collective consciousness of a huge number of people. Whether the motivator is religion, science, economics, philosophy, government, or all of the above; the experts and the commoners alike see it coming, therefore it shall be. And most importantly, the powers-that-be require this rough road in America to pave their global agenda through.

The collapse has even entered into the mainstream debate by default or by popular demand. Given the rapid growth of the the resistance movement on the Internet, the mainstream news outlets know exactly which articles are driving traffic to their respective websites, and it isn't fluff pieces anymore. Sure we may look at a picture of Lindsay Lohan half-naked and wasted in some club while were on the Huffington Post, but that's not what drove us there. The stories with the sharp fangs of truth and outrage are primarily running the show now and they are fully aware of it.

The Roberts and Rockefeller warnings of complete collapse are a few years out, although we are certainly experiencing the first dominoes falling. It seems futile to try to stop the collapse, therefore the immediate focus should be on preparation. Does that mean we should stop waking people up? No, but we should encourage them to prepare now for a societal breakdown.

To the sheep who happened to stumble upon this radical little article and don't think it can happen in America -- picture your city as Detroit, but without Federal aid, food or fuel . . . and welcome to the new world order!

10 Skills Needed to Thrive in a Post-Collapse World

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Skills Needed to Thrive in a Post-Collapse World

Knowledge is something that no one can take from you. It's the eternal wealth that will help you thrive in a Post-Collapse world.

Mad Max: Village Roadshow Pictures
Jeffrey Green
Activist Post

Some experts see the perfect storm emerging for a dramatic collapse of Western civilization claiming we've reached environmental, economic, and geopolitical tipping points. Clearly, some skills will be far more valuable than others if this societal breakdown occurs. Sorry bankers, lawyers, and accountants, there won't be a need for you in a post-collapse world.

Before we quantify the skill sets that will be viable, it is important to define the severity of a "post-collapse" scenario. When taken as a whole, together these tipping points could potentially converge to create a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-type world for the vast majority of humanity. However, given the advanced technology that we possess today, it is unlikely to ever become quite that primitive ever again. Surely there will be pockets of energy and food independence no matter what possible scenario unfolds, but the vast majority may be left to fend for themselves.

It would take a serious cataclysmic earth event like a super volcano, a meteor impact, major electromagnetic pulse event, or dramatic pole shift to affect the entirety of humanity. Man-made events like nuclear war, environmental damage, or total economic collapse, no matter how devastating, will be somewhat isolated and contained to specific areas and populations. Incidentally, every nation or territory that has experienced these man-made catastrophes has roared back to life in less than one generation. The only example of nuclear survival was in Japan, while the largest recent economic collapse was the break-up of the Soviet Union. In both cases those countries went through a very tough period, but ultimately they persevered.

For sake of this article, let's assume that some level of devastation is caused by each type of tipping point in the United States. Our ever escalating wars finally reach our shores by way of long-range nuclear missiles, total economic collapse occurs rendering the dollar worthless, and we would likely have less electricity and water than Iraq did after Bush's "shock and awe" campaign. Gasoline and oil supplies would likely be down to a trickle, halting all supply lines of food and other goods to big box stores. Factory farming will be impossible without cheap oil products readily available. The suffering will be dramatic.

The only question will become, how do the citizens react? Both the USSR and early 1950s Japan were far more agrarian, and far less dependent on big box stores than America currently is. American dependence on long supply lines, interconnected yet vulnerable electric grid, and pharmaceutical-based healthcare may lead to a more severe breakdown of society than witnessed in those countries. Although, innovative technology for alternative energy and agriculture practices will play a part in surviving; but they can only help the few with the knowledge, means, and stability to use them. And stability will be in low supply for some time, resulting in only small groups with relative comfort -- those who planned for the worse. However, as an optimist, I believe that after the initial chaos Americans will rediscover solidarity for one-another, much like they did after 9/11, but this time it will be more sustained out of absolute necessity.

Many articles have been written about how to survive the coming collapse, or what is needed to survive, but not many articles have been written about what skills will have value in a post-collapse world. Imagine fulfilling human necessity without consistent fuel or electricity, large-scale food production, or fully-stocked pharmacies and hospitals. The only form of wealth in a collapsed civilization is the knowledge and skills to produce something of human value.

Here are 10 invaluable skills that will likely help you sustain yourself in a hand-made local world:

1. Organic Gardening and Seed Saving: Skills involving food production will be the most valuable in a post-collapse society. Learning to grow your own food is a must. Obviously, it is necessary to feed your family, but you will also be able to trade your abundance for other items. Additionally, learning to save seeds will also provide another excellent means of trade.

2. Food Processing and Preservation: Learning to process and preserve foods will be another huge skill in a post-collapse world. Taking seasonal abundance and preserving it for future consumption or trade will be vital. Remember, learning to do this with limited electricity is a must. This can also include learning to brew beer, mead, vinegar, or other alcoholic beverages from meager ingredients.

3. Hunting, Fishing, and Gathering: Learning to fish and hunt is essential to survival. Having the proper gear and training will be priceless after the collapse of modern civilization. Having reference guides for edible plants in your region, repairing weapons, trapping wild game, and fishing are great tools to have if you haven't the time to learn them now. In regards to weapons, your ability to use them also gives you the skill of working security.

4. Animal Husbandry: Notice the first four categories are related to food production. It's that important. Just gaining knowledge of one of these categories will give you an invaluable skill to thrive in a post-apocalyptic world. Knowledge of animal husbandry can provide endless amounts of sustainable meat, eggs, and milk to you and your tribe.

5. Construction: Construction skills will be very important in a shattered civilization. These skills, especially without power tools, are not something you learn overnight. If you have some basic skills it may be worth learning a few techniques for building small structures with crude hand tools. There are many books teaching anyone how to build basic cabins, sheds, and composting outhouses.

6. Alternative Energy and Fuels: Having the knowledge to implement alternative energy systems will make you a wealthy survivor in a "dark" world. You can learn to build your own alternative energy systems, or you can purchase back up solar generators in preparation for emergencies. There are also small fuel refinery systems available like the biodiesel Fuelmeister, and the new invention from Japan that turns plastic into oil. Knowledge of how to create energy would be invaluable when oil is scarce.

7. Water Purification: Since it's difficult to pump well water without electricity and with surface water likely to be contaminated, clean water will be in very limited supply. Learning to purify water will allow you thrive during this time. You can also purchase water filters for your go-bag that will last weeks, and you can have back-up tablets should you need them. However, the skill and knowledge to purify water should be the goal as that can never run out.

8. Basic First Aid and Natural Medicine: This is another skill that can take years to develop and learn, but that will be crucial when supply lines of pharmaceuticals are cut off and hospitals are over-run. Knowledge of growing herbal gardens for making medicine at home will prove to be very important. Learning basic procedures for stitching wounds, CPR, and more will also be of great assistance. Being the tribe's shaman with a natural medicine chest is a prestigious position

9. Mechanics: Mechanics for cars, motorcycles, tractors and other machinery will likely be in high demand. In addition, bicycle mechanics will also fair well in world where fuel is very expensive or hard to come by. These are also skills that are not learned over night, but it will be wise to at least have access to books or how-to videos.

10. Soap and Candle Making: With long supply lines decimated and electricity on the fritz, soap and candle makers will provide a valuable product. Clearly some preparation of storing raw materials may be needed to achieve trade-able levels of these goods. Even if you just had the knowledge to make soap or candles just for your immediate tribe, you will be much better off for it.

You'll notice that many of these skills also fall into the category of what you would need to be self-sufficient. Again, learning all of these skills will be virtually impossible, especially if the collapse isn't that far off as many predict. Determine which skills that most appeal to you and focus on them by studying and acquiring the tools needed. Since you can't become an expert in everything it may be wise to recruit tribe members with various survival skills. It will also be beneficial to build up your library of "how to" books and videos for tasks that you are not proficient in. You can download any video from Youtube by using and build your library into an external hard drive.

Remember, knowledge of and skills to produce human necessities will be the only form of wealth creation in a hand-made world. Knowledge is something that no one can take from you. It's the eternal wealth that will help you thrive in a Post-Collapse world. Get Prepared Now!

How to Survive the Collapse of America

Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Survive the Collapse of America

Activist Post reviews National Bestseller, How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It, by author James Wesley, Rawles (makes an important Christmas gift)

Activist Post

It's a sure sign of the times that a book titled, How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques and Technologies for Uncertain Times becomes a National Bestseller. First printed a year after the October financial crash of 2008 when the world awoke to the fragility of the "system," author James Wesley, Rawles offers a pragmatic and thorough guide to survive other potentially more severe future crashes.

The book does not go into extended detail about what may trigger the breakdown of civilization, but uses its precious 316 pages to inform readers of how to prepare for nearly any disaster. Many survival books are great references to have in your library should a disaster take place, but this book is essential to read and implement well before disaster occurs.

Author, Jim Rawles, a former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer and founder of the very popular website, not only talks the talk, but also walks the walk. He lives on a fully self-sufficient and well-stocked retreat "somewhere west of the Rockies." Upon reading the book, one thing is apparent: Rawles has written this book not as a "what if" guide, but rather a "when it happens" guide. The tone of urgent pragmatism enhances the assumption that disaster is not only inevitable, but perhaps imminent.

Rawles suggests that the collapse of America will likely be triggered by economic circumstances, notably the death of the dollar, which will then cause a domino effect where civilization as we know it will breakdown into chaos. The book describes the collapse of American society in brief detail, explaining that supply lines for food and fuel will likely grind to a halt, forcing a mass exodus of people out of cities into the suburbs and countryside. He also outlines how the government will be completely crippled by this ensuing anarchy due to the rapid increase in desperation and decrease in essential services. Despite this "most likely" scenario, Rawles also prepares readers to survive events like nuclear attacks on American soil.
This book becomes an invaluable resource in the incredibly detailed chapters about preparing for any collapse scenario; from your location and shelter, to food storage and production, water purification, tools and barter goods, medical supplies, bug-out bags, security measures, communication and much more. Rawles covers each of these categories, providing organized and thoughtful plans to implement self-sufficiency preparation.

It's worth listing the chapter titles to help better explain how very thorough this book is:
  1. The Survival Mind-Set for Living in Uncertain Times
  2. Priorities: Your List of Lists
  3. The Survival Retreat
  4. Water: A Key Resource
  5. The Deep Larder: Your Family's Food Storage
  6. Fuel and Home Power
  7. Gardens and Livestock
  8. Medical Supplies and Training
  9. Communications and Monitoring
  10. Home Security and Self-Defense
  11. Firearms for Self-Sufficiency and Self-Defense
  12. G.O.O.D. Vehicles and the Dreaded Trip Outta Dodge
  13. Investing, Barter, and Home-Based Business
  14. It Comes Down to You
Consequently, because the book is so detailed, it can be somewhat intimidating. The second chapter labeled Priorities is immensely comprehensive and can seem impossible for readers to implement -- particularly those who feel the collapse is presently upon us. However, Rawles' priority lists are indeed necessary for anyone who wishes to survive with relative comfort in the worst of times. Readers should get to work on as much of the priority list as can be reasonably achievable.

Rawles is the consummate survival expert and consultant, yet he still says it is impossible to prepare on all the necessary levels without help. And although he says he understands the instinct to go "lone wolf," he declares it is utterly foolish to believe you will be better off alone than with a group. He states that this is especially true when it comes to security. So, as we have pointed out in past articles, collapse survival will be tribal -- begin recruiting like-minded people now.

One especially important tip in the book that can be easily achievable for most people, and will help cover gaps in your preparation plan, is to stock up on pre-1965 dimes for bartering. They are 1/10th of an ounce and contain roughly 90% troy silver. In other words, if the dollar collapses and silver goes to $100 per ounce, then each dime will carry about $9 of trade value in today's marketplace. Therefore, if you stock up on this "junk silver" while making other preparations, then you may be able to trade them for any shortcomings.

America's decline by all measures will likely snowball, gaining size and speed with each tumble, and ultimately result in an avalanche that covers her in a long winter of suffering. In the end, this is a must-read book for anyone who feels that the fragile economic, environmental, and social system in America has tripped into decline. Preparation is no longer just for the fringe of society, but for the whole of aware citizens.